A Rotten Introduction

Hey there, fellow rebel,

You might be wondering who’s behind this whirlwind of a brand, Rotten Hand. Well, let me take you on a quick journey from the heart of Kuwait, through the bustling streets of Mumbai. From the chaotic world of fast fashion to the serene ambience of a yoga school.

I’m Adrian D’souza, and my path to Rotten Hand has been anything but ordinary. From 12 transformative years in the belly of the fast fashion beast, working for American Eagle (at Alshaya, Kuwait) or 5 months at a Yoga school last year, my experiences have not only crafted my personality but are also infused into Rotten Hand.

My time at Alshaya, which also franchised a behemoth like H&M, gave me an intimate look at the sheer scale of the industry’s shortcomings. I was buying towards a yearly sales target of $50 million across a web of 60 stores spanning 10 countries. It was a mammoth task and a front-row seat to the breakneck, often reckless, pace of the fashion world.

But it wasn’t the pace that bothered me. It was the lack of soul, the absence of genuine quality, and the blatant disregard for sustainability. It was the repeated seasons, the endless churn of nearly identical products, and the undermining of authentic quality. I realized I wanted to offer something different. I wanted to build a brand that resonated with my sense of self, my values, my need to defy norms and challenge conventions.

Enter Rotten Hand.

This brand is my ode to every individual who looks adversity in the eye and refuses to blink. To those who don’t just endure but evolve, turning setbacks into comebacks. It’s for the rebels, the misfits, the outliers who refuse to be boxed in. At its core, Rotten Hand isn’t just about clothing; it’s about identity, about taking a stand, about leading and not following.

While Rotten Hand is a tribute to strength and resilience, it’s also a flag bearer of sustainability and slow, conscious fashion. I’ve spent two years meticulously selecting fabrics and partners that echo our mission. Some of our fabric choices, like eco cosy, sorona, and Celys, stand at the pinnacle of sustainability.

But there’s so much more to our story. From how Rotten Hand got its unique name, the essence behind our logo, our adventures in securing domain names, and the myriad other details that go into fashioning a brand from scratch. Stick around, and you’ll learn it all. Dive deep with our blog series or catch a behind-the-scenes glimpse in our video series, “Come start a brand with me.”

I hope you join the rebellion with me.

Stay defiant,
Adrian D’souza.

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